Monday, October 13, 2008


So, here's my dilemma...I moved into my apartment with the excitement and fear of the best or worst things that could occur. I was put into a room that a. doesn't have a wall...but a sliding door...straaaange, b. didn't have a door when i first moved in (now it does, problem solved), and c. had some of the most obnoxious roommates just feet away at all times. I decided to take things into my own hands and realized I couldn't live like this for the next 6 months (the time of my lease). I discussed my problem with the head of Collegiate Housing Services and she gave me the option to move into a different apartment that had a vacant private room. Sounds perfect! It was in my top choice apartment building, and 3 more roommates who may be of similar maturity....

So, I checked out the new pad yesterday, met the girls and saw the place. First of all, the room was smaller, but HAD A WALL, also had a larger closet (can't go wrong there), but one of my possible future roommates locked herself in her room for the entire time I was there. Okay, shut me out already then, bitch. The other two were allright. Still not someone I would choose to hang out with if I were home. They seemed to get along nicely, but would I fit in? Here at my apartment, I almost feel like my roommates look up to me and are excited to see me at every chance.

Now, here I am trying to weigh out the pros and cons and decide where to live...

Sweetwater Pros: three fun loving roommates, i'm already moved in, my internet works (for free, shhh), I really am starting to actually semi-like my roommates, the common grounds we have on CHS rules, it is EXTREMELY close to school, I know where work is from here, I'll pay less in gas.

Sweetwater Cons: the lack of responsibility, I don't have a wall!!!, my roommates are loud, people over all the time!, neighbors, kind of ghetto apartments...really.

Preserve Pros: private space, bigger apartment (not room), gated complex, quieter (is that a word?) roommates, nicer area, near shops, stores, and restaurants,

Preserve Cons: still, wierd roommates...i might get lonely, waayyyy further away :( ugh, I have to move..AGAIN..and i just found out how much i HATE it!

I know what you're thinking. I'm a spoiled brat. Why do I have to stress sooo much over something so stupid? Especially when it is only pertaining to the next 6 months...minimal, right? I just can't put myself to a conclusion and start leaning one way and then the other. Any help?


YanniFan said...

Ok, here's my take on things. JUST STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!! Seems like more important pros than cons if you stay. They, your baby roommates LIKE YOU! So what if they're loud and immature. If they get too loud just call a meeting; ask nicely to turn down the volume. If it's too messy in the kitchen and living room, just ask them to please clean up after themselves... You are closer to school, your new job and not very far from other places. If all it is that they are a little nuts then so be it. Wherever you go you will tread unchartered territory.......the thing lost and lonely are you willing to get? Dont't forget, you will FIND MORE FRIENDS and colleagues in your classes, and involvement in academic and social events!!!!! JUST HANG IN THERE JESS!! I love you ------Mama ;-)

-jd said...

I completely disagree with mom...but not on the facts, just on principal. I suggest you stay where you are and settle things with your roomies with a little ass whoopin'.